Monday, April 21, 2008


I have aged considerably while waiting for podcasts to load here at work, but I can see they are great stuff if your computer has the capacity to open them quickly.
I went straight to the ABC site and what a lot of time I could waste, I mean spend, there. There are so many interesting programs that I would never watch or listen to when they are actually aired, but that I would love to access at my convenience. Actually, I've been using the BBCs site for a couple of years to listen to radio programs that never get broadcast here, that I became a fan of while spending time over there, but it never occurred to me that there was a much wider potential for podcasts.
Well, I've just listened to a library podcast, from an English public library who's name I shall not mention (OK Manchester Public Library if you must know), and I have to say that we really need to put out a professional production if we want to get any listeners. It needs to be scripted, so there's no umming & ahhing as the presenter thinks of what he's going to say next, & if there's film it needs to look better than a home movie. The competition for attention is fierce, so we really need to hone our skills to be in the game. If we can produce quality podcasts, such as the series on Early Literacy from the Pierce County Library System, & advertise what we are doing to relevant groups, this could give us a whole new area for service growth.

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